Account Agreement
By submitting this form, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to the following Disclosure.
I agree that my use of the Internet Banking Services will confirm that I have completed and reviewed this Agreement and applicable disclosures, both of which Bank of Halls may amend from time to time. My initial use of any Internet Banking Service in connection with my account(s) at Bank of Halls constitutes my acceptance and agreement to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and of the Deposit Account Terms and Conditions.
I understand that my User Id and Password can be used to expend funds from my account and that this code must be safeguarded. I authorize Bank of Halls and its agents to follow any instructions transmitted by use of this code, and I agree to be bound thereby. If accessing a business or non-commercial account, I certify that I am authorized to use the User Id and Password. Bank of Halls is entitled to act upon instructions received through any Internet Banking Service under my User Id and Password without inquiring into the identity of the person using the User Id and Password. However, I agree that I will not, under any circumstances, disclose my User Id and Password to any person. I acknowledge that no employee of Bank of Halls needs or should ever ask for my Password. I am liable for all transactions made or authorized using my User Id and Password. Bank of Halls has no responsibility for establishing the identity of any person or determining the validity of any transaction received using my User Id and Password. If I provide my User Id and Password to anyone, I authorize any transactions carried out by that person. Bank of Halls assumes all transactions authorized by my User Id and Password are legitimate. I hereby indemnify and release Bank of Halls from any and all liability and agree not to make any claim against Bank of Halls or bring any action against Bank of Halls in honoring or allowing any actions or transactions where I have authorized the person performing the action or transaction to use my account or when I have provided my User Id and Password to that person. I further understand that by listing the accounts and/or providing my User Id and Password to any other person, I am authorizing the bank to disclose financial records and information pertaining to those accounts under the Tennessee Financial Records Privacy.
I will notify Bank of Halls at once if I believe another person has improperly obtained my User Id and Password or has carried out un-authorized transactions. At any time, I may ask Bank of Halls to disable my User Id and/or Password and reissue a new one to me.
If accessing a business account, I understand I am liable for all transactions that occur on the account. The owner of the business account authorizes all transactions made by any other persons. The owner of the business account agrees to be liable for any other parties designated (by being given the User Id and Password) to conduct business on the account(s).
For multiple party accounts, each person on a multiple party account will be liable for all transactions that are made on that account. Each person on a multiple party account authorizes all transactions made by any other signer(s) on the account(s). Each owner(s) on a multiple party account(s) agrees to be liable for the actions of the other owner(s) on the account.
The Limitations of liability set forth in this Agreement are subject to, and limited by any state or federal law to the contrary.
Bank of Halls has the right to modify or terminate this Agreement or the Deposit Account Terms and Conditions at any time. When making changes, Bank of Halls will comply with all legal notice requirements. Once this Agreement is terminated Bank of Halls will not allow any additional transactions on the account, nor will additional Internet Banking Services be permitted. If this Agreement is modified, my continued use of the Account will represent my acceptance of the changes.
In order to take advantage of other Internet Banking and Bill Payment Services offered, I understand that I must complete this agreement and establish basic Internet Banking Services with Bank of Halls. All services later added are covered under this agreement and my signature authorizes Bank of Halls to carry out transactions under any other Internet Banking Services I decide to use or setup at a future date, such as Bill Payment Services. By using any new service, I agree to be bound by the terms communicated to me in advance.
Bank of Halls will not provide any receipt or documentation of transactions other than regular account statements.
Computer Transfers / Types of Transfers.
You may access your account(s) by computer through the internet by logging onto our website at and using your User ID and Password to:
transfer funds from checking to checking
transfer funds from checking to savings
transfer funds from savings to checking
transfer funds from savings to savings
transfer funds from checking to loans
transfer funds from savings to loans
get information about:
the account balance of checking accounts
the last 60 days history of checking accounts
the account balance of savings accounts
the last 60 days history savings accounts
the account balance of certificates of deposit
the account balance of loans
Click "I Agree" if you accept these terms.
I Agree | I Disagree |